It felt so good. The 99 miles were easy but the last 10 miles would have been really tough without the police escort through the stop lights and tourist traffic of South Padre Island. Crossing the line means we made all our miles, rider and machine intact. The attrition on this Cannonball has been high as only 33 of the initial 88 entrants successfully got it done. I am throughly pleased with finishing with a perfect score.
A huge congratulations to both Dave Courier on the winning 1911 Harley and Jeff T. on the second place 1912 Henderson…no easy task for either team. This was a tough course to ride and I doubt many of us are going to mount up in the near future. Lydian will get an oil change and a checklist for future repairs and maintenance once home.
After taking a swim in the warm waves of the Gulf, we had an awards ceremony and dinner. You can watch video here:
I cannot emphasize how much I appreciate the support and understanding of Nancy. Without her, this would not have been possible. I also need to thank Vern for getting the job done with driving and pit crew work. We are a good team:

With all the great people participating in the Cannonball, I have connected with a few to “do some deals”. I plan to sell some old Harley parts to one guy, pick up an engine from another, swap a Vincent for an Indian on the East Coast, and maybe get a 1928-only exhaust for Lydian. Winter projects!