The last Stage is usually short – allowing for a Grand Entry and Reception. Today will be no exception as we are expected to convene about 9 miles away from the finish line and then get staged for entry, by Class, to the final checkpoint on South Padre Island. Fingers crossed for all bikes and riders to complete the 99 miles in the Texas sun.
The sun was out in a big way yesterday. While the morning was cool and pleasant, the afternoon was harsh. We initially were routed down by Goose Island and Rockport. The waterways and salt marshes were beautiful…the best part of the day. The rest of the ride into Corpus Christi and then on to McAllen were not fun. The roads were flat and straight. The traffic, while not too heavy, was filled with trucks going fast. There was road construction. There were many dead animals on the shoulder. The heat built to uncomfortable levels. But we made it to the hosted dinner at Desperado Harley Davidson. The cold beer once “released” from the parking lot display and back at the van was very good.
Lydian did well…some small items to repair and adjust after running 55-60 mph for 273 miles. The front spring box repair has held up but is now worn to the point were there is a little wobble if going 60 mph. It is something that will get major overhaul once back on Vashon. We cleaned off some road grime so she is ready for the party at the end. It will be great to end early in the day and celebrate with friends.
One of the fellow riders is also a person who I respect and admire. At the opposite end of the age spectrum from the rider I described yesterday (Victor, age 79); Keegan is 22 years old and riding bike number 22. He is riding his grandfather’s 1914 Excelsior 7-SC. The bike has been ridden in several prior events by grandfather Jeff and Keegan had been part of Jeff’s support crew. Not an easy bike to ride, she has minimal brakes and a low top speed but Keegan has been awesome. He was completing every Stage until the 107 year old bike suffered a frame fracture a couple days ago. The great mechanics at the Norton team stepped in and welded it back together so that Keegan could keep going. Here he is:

Wish us all safe riding for Stage 15…it will feel good to complete what we set out to do.
I am a few days behind in reading the daily blog but so excited to catch up. The last ride is here and it’s been great fun to follow along.